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Old July 17th, 2006, 12:52 PM
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LianneCatherine LianneCatherine is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Frederick, MD
Posts: 134
I'm sure there have been improvements in the Litter Maid since I had one, but I remember it being more trouble than it was worth. It had just come out, and we were so excited about not having to clean out the box! The little rake would scoop the poo into a box that you could dump out, clean, and reuse. I guess the first question much time am I really saving by not having to scoop?? I still have to go and throw away the poo, clean out the container and put it back.

Anyway, the rake would get all gunked up with clumpy litter that you constantly had to clean off for it to work properly. Then, the machine would break or the sensor would be off and it would either stop midway or keep cleaning and cleaning without stopping. A pain either way, and like I said, more trouble than it was worth.

Maybe this genie thing is better--if you try it, do let us know how it works! I'd love to rid myself of the scooping duty.
Lianne Catherine >^..^<
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