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Old November 25th, 2013, 06:18 PM
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Location: Thunder Bay, ON
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Hopefully you'll see some improvement in the next day or 2, it sounds as if things are working to some degree. Are you giving the colloidal silver at a different time then you are the homeopathics? I normally do. I don't think there would be any conflict between the colloidal silver and the homeopathics. I do know that food will compromise homeopathics if they are given too close together. That's why they recommend half an hour between food and homeopathics.

How long was Scully suffering from the symptoms before you started the protocol? This could dictate speed of recovery. What is the ppm of your colloidal silver, and are you giving Scully 2 or 3 eyedropper full at a time 3 to 4 times a day? As I had mentioned on November 1st post. My curiosity gets me from time to time. I hope you don't mind me asking was the product made here in Canada, and does it have a Nutritional Product Number (NPN)? All healthcare products sold in Canada now have to have this number indicating that they come up to federal standards. ..... And yes I know that's another story!.....
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