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Old November 11th, 2009, 08:59 PM
Missy n Malibu Missy n Malibu is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Indiana
Posts: 6
Talking Update: My missy 15 yrs old

Well, went to the vet, blood work completed, could find stated that she probablly had a stomach flu and sure as junk, my younger dog started doing the vomiting thing for about a week, then the poo's started.

I am so glad that my dogs were only dealing with the "Stomach Flu" which is what the vet said after I took Malibu in to the vet....he stated that he is seeing more and more of these types of cases....and wanted me to be wary of the H1N1 now being found in dogs and now cats.

So i make sure that we all wash and sanitize our hands before and after playing, feeding etc with our dogs and the kitty.

Now the cat is sick as well....all pets are on the Brat diet and when this is done, i will introduce thier NEW food back into thier diet.

Missy is so much better.

Thanks to all for the support and prayers and now I have a new family to go to when I am concerned about my Children
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