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Old September 26th, 2005, 12:46 AM
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CyberKitten CyberKitten is offline
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Location: New Brunswick - Nova Scotia
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Actually, I am still in La (Boton Rouge) - just got off the phone from talking to my sister in Quebec - forgot the time difference, La is two hours ahead of the Maritimes and one hr ahead of Que. I am sorry , for some reason I thought you were in Quebec, not sure why - too distracted, I apologize!

And Prin, now I will have that Danciung Queen song in my head ALL nite. Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

In BC, "MVA 220 (6) Drivers must ensure that passengers who have attained 6 years of age but are under 16 years of age, are properly restrained. "

Same as the Maritimes and yebec, onus is on the driver and the fine is "138.00 Fine - for MVA Infractions (including 15% surcharge viction ). The amount can be reduced by $25 if the ticket is paid within 30 days." But the govt web site is prob better and maybe more up to date.

Loathe as I am to cite anectodal evidence - as a scientist - I have to point out I would not be here typing this (well TRYING to type, lol) if I had NOT had my seat belt on when Bullwinkle the Moose dropped from the sky in front of my vehicle and we ran headfirst into him, killing the giant guy and my car but not me or my passenger!!!!

These women - or one anyway - sound atrocious! Can you find other ppl to carpool with. I carpool with a wonderful dentist - he even does my teeth (me and the kids, lol) and we share the same ideas about seat belt use. I think you should talk to them - you do not need be confrontational. Explain how hard it is for you and ask them to be more reasonable, outline the law and the stats if you have them. And tell them to grow up - at some point, lol
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