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Old October 23rd, 2009, 06:52 AM
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LoveCharlie LoveCharlie is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Nova Scotia
Posts: 139
I only put the newspapers in his room during the day while I am out so he has a place to do his thing. As soon as I get home, I clean everything up and there is no newspapers in the evening when we are at home. Could part of the problem be that he is doesn't know how to ask to go outside? Some people say their dog will sit by the door or something like that. Charlie doesn't do that, once he has to go, he goes.

I do try to watch him like a hawk and as soon as I see him sniffing in one area (which seems to be beside the coffee table), I take him outside. He does tend to always have his accidents in the same spot, this makes it easier for me to watch him.

If I catch him in the act, I normally don't say anything as I was told it was too late to do anything once he had already started. I don't yell or run after him. I just pick up and clean. But when I take him outside and he does his thing, we do have a party!

He is doing much better than before, I have seen some improvement since last month, but it seems to be progressing very slowly. There are some very good suggestions in your replies, I will try them. If you can think of anything else, let me know.

Thanks again.
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