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Old October 12th, 2011, 02:46 PM
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renegaderuby renegaderuby is offline
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Originally Posted by hazelrunpack View Post
Cool pics, RR! Your hubby did a great job!

The spring pic (first one) is of a mockingbird. Great singers, very feisty and a blast to watch. Wish we had them here.

The second is a yellow-bellied sapsucker, a type of woodpecker. I just found out this year that other woodpeckers (downy woodpeckers, in particular) seem to like dogwood berries. I wonder if your sapsucker was going after the fruit?

MOCKINGBIRD? oh gosh. do I feel silly now. I always thought they were a bit smaller , and rounder. Well now I know. The ones that come around here are fiesty. They chase the other birds out of the pair tree when they are about. They always make a nest under our carport..and when we go to get in the car or truck they dive down like they are "attacking". Its funny.

Yellowbellied sapsucker. OMG...I laughed so hard. Growing up my family always would say you are the "son of a siberian sap sucker." (an alternative to calling someone a son of a b. (jokingly of course). that I know what a sap sucker is...that puts a WHOLE new image to that saying. LOL.
and sure he was having a go at the berries. they are berries right now, and all the birds are squabbling over them.
Thank you so much. I enjoy birds, but really have a hard time telling the difference from alot of them. I mean..bluebirds, jay, cardinals. They are easy to tell . But the little brown and black birds...kinda all look similar.

I couldnt wait to get on here this afternoon to see "what" they were. Thank you for the id. And growler thanks again for posting the pics!
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