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Old May 3rd, 2012, 12:50 AM
Shi676 Shi676 is offline
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Posts: 1
Question Kitten Biting and Other Things

Hello I just got a new kitten about a week ago. I found him outside of my work near a dumpster. He looked very thin, and I didn't want to leave him, so I brought him home with me.
I've named him Constantine. And after some research, I've figured out that he's about 5 weeks old. There was no mother that I could find around, and there were a lot of cars so I didn't want him to get hit.
Anyway, I assume that he's around 5 weeks because of his size and eyes. They still have a lot of blue in them. He is also very tiny.
Basically, I was wondering if there was any different way to make him stop biting than you would for an older kitten. I'm guessing it would be about the same, but I was just wondering if anyone could give me any tips.
He's also dry nursing on my fingers, even though I stop him every time he starts. I'm not sure how I would stop that either.
He's extremely hyper and active. He runs everywhere and gets into everything like a normal kitten. But when he's like this, you can't touch him without him deciding that he wants to rip up your hands and arms. He doesn't attack feet unless you wiggle your toes and get his attention.

I've tried:
Blowing in his face to distract him and give him a toy. Not much of a distraction.
Pushing down on his tongue? I've read that it works, but so far, he just thinks it's more of an invitation to bite more.
Saying "no", "nuh uh", etc in a firm voice. He just looks at me with this cute cross eyed face and keeps trying.
Only paying attention to him when he doesn't bite.

I'm not really into the thought of spraying him with water or anything similar. And I dont think putting him in a time out room would work. He finds fun stuff in everything and can play with anything.

I was also hoping to maybe get some tips on:
How to stop cord chewing (saying "no" to him normally works for that)
Climbing the couch and other things he shouldn't be climbing on ("no" doesn't seem to work there)

I have owned cats before. I have a 7 year old female right now that I adopted. She's still getting used to him. She's gotten to where she cleans him instead of hisses, so I'm guessing they're getting along.

Thank you so much for any tips

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