Thread: Semi Raw
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Old September 26th, 2006, 09:15 AM
x.l.r.8 x.l.r.8 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 320
Semi Raw

OK I should have thought earlier but I didn't, Looking at the raw diets it mentions the cages of chickens as a good thing, it this wise to give to a kibble fed dog, reason I asked is because I just had 55 of my birds cleaned and dressed and maybe I should have kept some of the cages?. I will have more later but never thought untill it was to late, we keep chickens as they are all organic fed from day one as I am kind of trying to do things the natural way, I will be having less next year as in Ontario you cannot sell them despite them being certified, you need a liscense on top of that, (at $3.50 a bird for preperation I'll be doing it myself next year if I can bring myself to do it). So could I keep the cages and feed them to my boy? or should that be part of the whole raw thing for balance.
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