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Old July 15th, 2005, 01:45 PM
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mafiaprincess mafiaprincess is offline
Performance Spaniels
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Whitby, ON
Posts: 2,395
I'm not labelling her an evil dog yet or anything... just lately things have been awful..

She was socialized a lot until I moved home, and then no one I knew seemed to have a dog to play with.

Yesterday was just such a crappy night that I had to vent.

She has good behaviours, and has beyond basic commands down well. She has a meal time, and has t osit by her water bowl while I get the food and doesn't touch it until I tell her to go ahead.

We worked on behaviour a ton.. and she is better.

But now she is occassionally trying to jump onto the dining room table. Gets excited and jumps up on people non stop, but knows the command off quite well. It's that whole puppy not listening thing

We graduated basic class with flying colours, but advanced class was beyond boring for Cider. It was liek a reprise of the middle of basic and the trainer hated us both.. Kept asking why we could do this or that so well, and when I said we'd done all this in basic, she just got worse about it. Kept saying it should all be new.. but it wasn't.

I've been looking for dogs for Cider to play with and still am unsuccessfully. I haven't looked into training schools here cause I'm sure it will start WW4 here, but I'll see what is around.

Thank you all for listening to me vent/ offering advice. It helps.
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