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Old January 20th, 2005, 07:06 PM
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tyr tyr is offline
Kitty Mum
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Ontario
Posts: 262
URGENT! Help me please!

As some of you know, my kitten, Orlando, just got castrated. I got him back this morning and now my Maine Coon, Fidel, is hiding. He will not come out at all. Orlando found his hiding place and when he went up to him Fidel hissed.

If you knew my cats this is very strange. Fidel and Orlando, literally, are best friends. As well, Fidel is a VERY passive cat. The only other time he hissed was as a warning to Orlando when he first arrived, as Fidel needed space and time. After a couple of days they were inseperable. This hiss seemed a little scarier.

Orlando has been gone since Tuesday night. When he came back very early this morning he was his usual self. Thing is, Fidel has hid since 6:45 a.m. and still is...

The only thing I can think of that is different is Orlando's smell. He may smell like other animals, but he also smells of a chemical. I think it is an iodine... He has a greenish-blue dye on his fur in the applicable area. It has made his whole coat smell.

Is this what would be causing the problem? If so, is it wise to wash him? He has had all day, and groomed himself often...but still stinks. I do not have any cat shampoo, what would I use? He has no sutures...

If not, what do you think this could be?

This is very strange....
"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is."
-Albert Camus
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