Thread: Baby Crow
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Old July 16th, 2005, 08:13 PM
Safyre Safyre is offline
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Originally Posted by chico2
The Crows get a bad rap because they are big,black and noisy...and yes,they rob birdsnests and dead squirrels,but so do many other much smaller birds,Blue Jays for one and are they ever noisy,but loved because they are Blue.
my city was taken over by crows for about 5 years, by the river at night, all you could see was black. They were a menance. I believe we ended up doing a 'crow cull' where a lot of birds got killed.
It did work, we have noth ad crow problems in a year or no.
The do get a bad rap, the Blue Jays in my yard tend to make more noise than the crows did. however, the crows were worse on the gardbage
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