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Old March 19th, 2010, 05:09 PM
Charmander Charmander is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: BC
Posts: 4
Thanks Dog Dancer & sister

So this morning sort of failed. I brought Charmander in and they gave him a mild sedative and he did not respond to it at all. They told me probably nervousness and adrenaline prevented the sedative from taking effect and so when they tried to draw his blood he scratched the poor vet badly on the back of her hand. I felt so bad

Thankfully they did not charge me for this visit because it was unsuccessful.

They just called me back with their new plan (she needed to discuss with the other vet first) and they're going to wait for me to take him in for his scheduled neuter next Friday and give him general anesthetics that they would have given him for the neuter, take the blood sample, do a count in-house, and if all is good, then they will do the neutering.

If he has low platelet count, then they cancel the neutering and decide what to do from there.

The great thing with this plan is if all goes well, we don't have to pay the extra $60 for sedatives since its essentially killing two birds with one stone (blood sample and surgery for the one sedation).

She also said there's a higher chance that he should be fine since he isn't showing any symptoms and has lots of energy. They just need to play it safe though.

Yay! Praying this works out!
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