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Old August 13th, 2013, 12:16 AM
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khager khager is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 5
In the research I've been doing Nutiva is supposed to be one of the best.

When I originally took Simon to the vet, he told us he had Calici and would die, along with the rest of our cats since they'd been exposed. I looked it up and the symptoms didn't match at all. Not sure why I bothered taking him to that vet, when my oldest Psycho got sick he told us it was cancer and we had to take Psycho in multiple times and spend a lot of money we didn't have, and it turned out he just had an infected scratch in his mouth!

Anyways. We took Simon to another clinic that just happened to have a dental specialist on staff and the vet and the specialist looked him over and said he had stomatisis. They also said not a lot of vets will think of it if they're not used to dealing with it, so you could always ask.

Edit: I got one response about this on that forum before my thread got hijacked so... no help from there, lol. He's doing so much better I think I'll wait another 2 or 3 days and if his voice doesn't clear up I'll call the vet and ask them about it. Doubt they'll tell me anything without seeing him but you never know.

Last edited by khager; August 13th, 2013 at 12:30 AM.
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