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Old July 28th, 2004, 02:28 AM
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moontamara moontamara is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Posts: 599
I guess living in Korea gives me a different perspective from some of you. To be honest, I feel actual pangs of guilt when I see people in subway stations begging for money to get them the surgery that will save their lives... It's hard for my Korean husband to accept how much we've spent on Casey already, knowing that money could possible save a human's life. I've told him it's a different thing -- I'm spending that money INSTEAD of having expensive clothes, or eating extravagant food, and I give the same amount of change to the people in the subway as I ever did... But the principle is a little hard to swallow. Some of you may consider people and pets to be equally important, but I was raised to believe that as much as I love my pets, people come first.

Glassglass, you're absolutely right about making sacrifices, and since Casey has gotten sick, I've been cutting corners on absolutely everything money-wise. But I guess it's worse for me right now because I'm not earning money -- I'm studying and my husband is the one topping up my bank account...

Anyway, this isn't a fun thread, but definitely interesting.
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