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Old September 9th, 2004, 09:04 AM
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mastifflover mastifflover is offline
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Your gas prices keep going up because they still have the oil and it will stay there. Yeah they can sell the oil to rebuild the city and bury all the innocent people killed and I guess you forgot the torture that was inflicted on the prisoners by American soldiers caught on film. Nowhere on any of these post did anybody say that Saddam was a good guy I think we all agree he is an a$$hole and is detremantal to the people of Iraq. But Bush went to war which was not santioned by the UN and then expected everybody to follow him, and was pissed off when he was not supported by many countries.
Now that I have stopped laughing long enough to post... I will do so. First off... Clintoon almost wrecked our country with his recession.... you see... when someone is a president it takes the economy a while to catch up... so with Bill Clintoon as president it took the economy about 3 and a half years to catch then President Bush is in office and is now taking the heat for all of Bill's screw ups. Now that it is finally turning around... it takes awhile to recover after a Liberal President...some people think that all of this job loss is Bush's fault when in reality it is from Clintoon's stay in office.
I guess it took eight years for the effects to show all that employment and lack of deficet was just an illusion.Good relations with other countries. Remember he had to clean up the mess of the last president so I guess that logic of it takes the economy awhile to catch up went out the window, or does it only count when there is a republican in office it doesn't work the same way if your a democrat. Well if Bush wins you have my condolences because I am sure he will find another war when he finally gets your very brave and selfless soldiers out of somewhere they should not have been in the first place.