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Old November 4th, 2009, 07:50 AM
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My Lodi Girl My Lodi Girl is offline
One dog at a time...
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Illinois, USA
Posts: 169
Is it time to let Lodi go?

I posted a few weeks ago that my dog Lodi was diagnosed with a malignant mast cell tumor on June 29th. I have been told many, many times that "you will know" when it is time to let her go and while I think I know now, I am not sure and I need some advice.
Lodi is not doing well. She has not eaten since Monday morning, she is still drinking water, she is vomiting every 1-2 hours, she has black watery diareha (sp?) that comes about every other time she vomits, her breathing is labored and noisy, she cannot get comfortable and she cannot walk more than a few feet before she has to lay down. But she is still aware and still gives me kisses. She could not get comfortable in bed last night so I put her on the couch where she is able to rest some and I slept on the loveseat so I could be there for her. She was up several times in the night vomiting. Her vomit at first looked like she had drank some Coca Cola then after a while looked like it had tiny bits of cottage cheese in it but now is either frothy spit or water.
Yesterday morning I thought it was time to let her go so I took her into the vet at 8:30 am so they could draw blood to test for organ failure and took her to see the vet at 10:00am. The blood test came back that her white blood cell count is over 25,000 and she is anemic. Her liver is swollen also. The vet didn't think it was time for her to go because she is still so aware/giving kisses. He gave her a B-12 shot, an antibiotic shot and another shot (forgot what that one was). He wants me to bring her back in today for another set of shots and wants to see her again tomorrow. Yesterday, at his advice, I gave her Pepto Bismol every hour for four hours then twice more before bedtime. I don't think it helped.
She is miserable. My question to you I wait until her mind is gone and she is not aware of anything or do I do it now since she is so miserable and cannot be cured? Am I delaying the inevitable at her comfort? I don't want to lose her but I don't want her to suffer even more. I need your honest opinion.
Thank you all,
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