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Old November 24th, 2003, 12:42 PM
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CanadianK9info CanadianK9info is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Alberta
Posts: 35
How are people reacting to your dog doing this?

The reason I am asking is because chances are he is getting the attention he desires from this behaviour (other words he is being rewarded for it), that is why he continues to do this. Even negative attention like pushing him down or saying "no" can still encourage this behaviour. When he jumps on people they need to completely ignore him... turn the other direction.... he should not get any attention until he is seated nicely for patting. You should also work on teaching him the command "Off", this command should mean "all feat on the floor" (off of the couch, person, counter top etc).... not to be confused with "down" as this means "belly on the floor".... some people use these two commands interchangeably which tends to confuse the dog even more so. To teach this you can ask your dog to sit..... have a piece of food in your hand if he jumps to get it say "off" and give a little bump on the end of his nose (not hitting) to knock him back to sitting position.... the second and I mean the second all four feet are on the ground reward him with the food and lots of praise. Release him and play.... do not do this repeatedly in a row... do at various times throughout the day. What you are trying to do is just teach him a command you can use when people come over and he starts jumping up on them..... you can say off and immediately reward. In this situation a clicker may be very handy.... if you want more info on this let me know and I can find you some stuff. Good luck.
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