Thread: New puppy girl!
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Old July 1st, 2012, 08:01 AM
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Isla'sMudder Isla'sMudder is offline
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New puppy girl!

Hello all,
This seems like a great place to share information. I got my puppy about a week ago from the SPCA. They said she was 6-weeks when she came to the shelter (according to the people who brought the litter in). Her mum was a 50lb lab and her dad unknown. She's very small. She's now apparently 8-weeks old and weighs about 6.5lb. I am crate training her and trying to absorb as much info as I can and employ patience that I know will pay off. I must say she's very smart. She knows her name and how to sit on the word and a hand signal. I fully credit her for that!

I was walking her on a leash and recently read that I shouldn't be exercising her too much. She has so much energy sometimes. It almost looks, as she's getting older that she might have some terrier in her. She's only had two accidents in the house in 10 days and is a great little pup, except!!! When playing, she bites me and growls. She grabs my clothing and growls and rips and gets worse when I tell her not to. I say "Stop it" and redirect her if I can. I know puppies do this, but is the scary growl normal? I'm just trying to learn as much that I can so I can help her grow into a great doggie! She's a big cuddler and loves giving kisses (when not biting me)!
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