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Old March 1st, 2005, 07:13 AM
mesaana mesaana is offline
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Posts: 383
Aniluver, I have not read your previous posts so I don't know why your cat has been prescribed amitryptilin. But, what I can tell you is that it is used in cats for certain problems. Your vet did not make this up. And it's normal that the cat is a bit sleepy at first, that usually passes. I know this drug, I've been on it for a while, now. I use it for migraine prevention, not antidepression. They're not sure why it works, but it does in these cases. It was prescribed to me by a neurologist.

By all means, call your vet today. If this is a complex problem, I don't think changing vets when something doesn't work is always the solution. Sometimes, in any medical problem, you have to try a few therapies to get results. If you're not comfortable, you can definitely get a second opinion. In this case, I'd suggest to get a referral to a specialist.

Hope this reassures you a bit.

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