Thread: puppy peeing
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Old May 25th, 2004, 11:40 AM
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mizzlittle mizzlittle is offline
Join Date: May 2004
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Posts: 63
em let me see has anything changed in the set up at home? Remove his water bowl before you go to bed... if you don't drink during the night you won't wee...

its strange for an animal to releave themselves where they sleep... it can be caused by upset, if they are trying to act submissive... 'hey I'm only a little puppy see *piddle*' this usually occurs if they have been given out to - so its important that your pet doesn't worry about you coming into the room and seeing his mess... he won't associate the giving out with the mess but with you seeing him when you get up in the morning and he will be fearful of it and will show this by peeing!

If you aren't giving out to him and he definitely isn't sick... it could be caused by fear of sounds - are there any sounds that would scare him??

if its none of the above it could be a behaviourable problem... but I would check all the above before I went into this...

As for peeing while he is eating it could be a form of incontinence...
is he excited when eating? throwing and trashing his bowl around? If so he is just peeing with excitement... how old is your puppy? Little pups don't have large bladders and like young babies don't have full control over them yet... therefore things like excitement, fear and even the slightest drop of water can make them produce a flood!

Bear with him... my maltese was house trained when she arrived to us at 10weeks and slowly but surely reverted to peeing everywhere for a month but it cleared up... so if your vet can't find anything wrong with him and he seems happy enough in himself don't stress too much just be patient... if he shows any signs of being sick get a second opinion from another vet...
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