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Old June 24th, 2004, 04:37 PM
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Mlyn Mlyn is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: montana
Posts: 22
yes we were on their campsite. it all happend so fast that i wasn't even sure what the dog was chained to i believe it was a picnic bench. their were several people their and they all jumped in to help. I could not stand it so i went back to the truck. my boyfriend had told me that the owner was the last person to jump in and help. i do know it took about 10 min before the other dog released charlie. I have already seeked legal advice, my friend is the city attourney in this small town. she raises labs. and i do believe she would of helped me fight. except for the fact she happens to be representing him in a divorce proceeding . he had already called her on this but she did decline. and advised me what i can do.
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