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Old August 20th, 2008, 06:47 AM
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sugarcatmom sugarcatmom is offline
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Pet lovr 4 life, you MUST take your cat to a vet. How old is he? It may not be worms, it could be something like diabetes, hyperthyroid, kidney disease, all of which are treatable, but only if you know what you're dealing with. There are organizations that provide financial aid for those who can't afford veterinary care, so check out these links:

Most require a diagnosis first, so like Love4himies said, beg, borrow, or pawn some stuff to get your cat to a vet. Apply for Care Credit (link above). Do whatever it takes, you owe your cat that much.
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb

“We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler
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