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Old March 18th, 2011, 09:45 AM
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Goldfields Goldfields is offline
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Are you positive, Sam, that it was a heat you were seeing and not discharge from an open pyometra? Males can be very interested even if it's an infection they are smelling? If he was a forceful dog and given human help he could easily have served her without her being in season. Only you know whether she was cycling like clockwork and due in season. If she was usually regular but not this time, I would be even more suspicious of a pyo, especially when there was an enlarged uterus.
Whatever happens, keep a very close eye on your little one, Chi's are so delicate and when things go wrong they can go into shock quickly.
With a sheltie I was encouraged by a vet to go the antibiotic/hormone way, but never again. You only delay the inevitable I believe. I wanted her spayed then and let him talk me out of it, the result was a bad pyo next time around. Just not worth the risk. I've had another one, a cattle dog, get pyo just after a heat, so they don't always do it by the book.
Re the hot spots, did you bath her before the mating? If you did, and didn't dry her totally, there would be a good cause of hot spots. A sheltie breeder/judge friend firmly believes that leaving long coated dogs damp causes hot spots. I have never heard of any to do with a dog serving a bitch but I'll run that by her out of curiosity. She has bred a lot of shelties over 30 or more years and often helps people train their young sheltie stud dogs.