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Old April 20th, 2009, 11:27 PM
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Kassiaethne Kassiaethne is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Brazil
Posts: 39
yeah I had your reaction to the dog I adopted in the USA (I just moved to brazil so mentioning USA is just my way of letting you all know shes not with me anymore *with my parents on a giant mountain with a dog run ^^*) it took about a month but I regularly kept myself around her to get used to her and well after that I was good unless I was away from her for long periods of time. then it would start up again (trips to brazil and back and such) but unless you are planning on being away 6 months at a time you should be good to go. as long as it does like mine does and I adjust. It is always hard when its an animal you get attached to. just gotta think what will be best for every party if it doesn't get better (god willing that doesnt happen but you never know) and can arrange for someone you maybe know that could take it in.
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