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Old August 10th, 2014, 03:24 PM
MaxaLisa MaxaLisa is offline
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Originally Posted by Charliebooboo View Post
I was once told by a well known breeder 30 years experience) and show dog owner like me that the OWNER knows more than anyone online or even the best vet about your dog.
Just on an academic point, gotta disagree with this here. I do think it's VERY important for owners to trust their instincts and to follow those instincts, but I also think that it's dangerous to put that pressure and that responsibility of what is *best* for the dog on the owner, who most of the time doesn't have the background or knowledge of what is out there that can help the dog.

I love my vet and he saved my dogs life with surgeries but when it comes to allergies and diets, the science is not there. holistic and eastern concepts are even more of a shot in the dark. I will not sprinkle oregano on an allergic outbreak and light incense or any other suggestion from a post. Steroids used in moderation help and don't cause more harm. fBs only live 10 years. Get them a steroid shot or 4 days on prednisone for a bad allergic reaction. For yeast, Ketonazole works great. Western medicine for frenchies. Too great a dog to think new diets and weird remedies should be tried over and over.
There is nothing special about FB in the sense that they are just another messed up breed out there, caused by breeding practices that have not served the health of the breed. Having had a GSD, I feel completely comfortable saying that, since that is also a breed in a similar condition, and these breeds are not alone.

The problem is that allergies and the immune system, though how they work are founded on science, in practice it's an art and a skill due to the different way that individual immune systems respond to stimuli. I do believe that it takes active guidance on the owner's part, but to give "all in one" advice like the above does a disservice to the dog, and, frankly, I practice a different type of health philosophy, so consider some of it wrong, or more kindly, misplaced.

While I appreciate your passion, I would definitely suggest that any owner be active in their dog's care, do the research, and find what works - it may or may not involve things that are mentioned here.
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