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Old November 21st, 2005, 11:16 AM
joeysmama joeysmama is offline
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Getting a puppy (or kitten)? Please read!

Thank you for your responses. Prin, I did just what you suggested. I brought the subject up in the context of dog food, buying him a coat etc. I told him that I would feel better if the store didn't get any more of our money and I told him that they buy from puppy mills. And then he said "Oh no--he's a purebred, he has papers." (It turns out his aversion to buying a dog was a monetary thing--he always had a houseful of dogs growing up and they just found their way there--he didn't see a reason to spend money. That's my guy !) So later I showed him a few posts in a kind of offhanded way and the next time I mentioned that the puppy should have a sweater he said something about driving over to Target.

Deb, I would LOVE to get involved with a rescue organization. I don't want to foster until this guy is housebroken but I'm going to ask about adoption days. I stil have the info on the rescue organization that saved Joey. I always hear from them about this time of year too. I'll contact them ! Thank you for suggesting that !
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