Thread: Hello?
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Old August 23rd, 2012, 08:33 PM
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Scuba Scuba is offline
Slave to Dogs and 1 Angel
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 2,145

Hi everyone,

It has been a while since I have posted or even visited even.
A lot has happened but hopefully I will be back more frequently now.

Quick run down for those who still remember me.

1) Did not apply for the ATL position, actually quit my job at Whole Foods
2) Grandma got sick and transferred to another nursing home
3) Went back to my job at Whole Foods
4) Stopped volunteering at the Vancouver Animal Control Shelter
5) Grandma got really sick and unfortunately passed away
6) Parents got divorced
7) Bought my own property, just a small apartment, mom lives with me
8) Adopted a cat from the SPCA, her name is, Angel

Other stuff, still volunteering at the SPCA and still making leashes on and off. However, I feel that the leashes that I make now are far superior to anything that I have come up with in the past. Probably leaving a tonne of stuff out, but a lot has happened in the last 2 years for me.

The answer is chocolate, it does not matter what the question is.
-Off a t-shirt

All dogs want to be lap dogs doesn't matter the size!
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