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Old September 8th, 2010, 08:40 PM
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RobinH RobinH is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 26
We make a yearly visit for vaccinations.. but some of the vaccinations are every three years .. like Rabies and others are yearly. We just added giardia to the list after a very bad experience this summer .. Ami-TOLA on intervenous for fluids and antibiotics and then Holly sick 2 days later.. (not to mention $1200.) so now they will get this every year also. I also question which is the two of the evils for things like heartworm and flea control... you hear so much in the way of pros and cons. I want to make the best decisions for their welfare and longevity!! I chose to vaccinate! These guys are my babies and their lives go by way too fast as it is. I want to keep them as healthy as possible! (I make a lot of their food and dehydrated snacks so I know what they are eating) There are probably those out there who believe we are poisoning our pets by too many chemicals such as heart worm control... but I'd hate like heck to subject them to heart worm. I'm open minded and would love to hear opinions on all this......
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