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Old October 26th, 2010, 01:07 PM
mike2000z28 mike2000z28 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 25
See you can't find kitten wellness here (Montreal, Canada). I used to live in Philadelphia and in the US you can get pretty much anything and everything and Petsmart carries all the decent brands. I don't have any chain stores like that here, so when i go back home i bring a decent amount of catfood back. Theres a few places that sell wellness, but just the regular one that i buy for my older cat.

She gave him a general xray and not an abdominal one. She told me the only real way is through the barium dye test, but im hesistant since its big money.

I was feeding him Before Grain wetfood, with some kitten kibble and he ate it like a horse and before that it was holistic by eaglepack he was eating.

The troubling thing is i have read up so much, and i don't want to overly worry because he exhibits symptoms like more lethargic and loss of appetite, but it stops there and internally they couldn't find anything without digging deeper. He does have bad gas though and it only comes out when he uses the litter, thats new and happend as soon as he got his loss of appetite.
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