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Old November 8th, 2010, 05:58 PM
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cpietra16 cpietra16 is offline
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Location: Pointe Claire, Quebec
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Chico, I've never met you or your hottie pool boy, but I remember what you look like so I can just imagine your poolboy must be just as gorgeous...

Heidi will do well. I actually called the lady within a few days of getting her and told her that her cat was sleeping on my bed...she reacted like she was surprised and pretty much told me that Heidi was never seen during the day and she was very antisocial.
In the 3 years she had her she could pretty much cound on one hand how many times she handled her...very sad actually, because she would have been such a sucky cat; and may still be with love and attention.
thanks for the pic 14+
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