Thread: Princess
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Old June 26th, 2012, 06:34 PM
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Budgie-mom Budgie-mom is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Ontario
Posts: 64
Smile Princess

A month and a half ago, I was browsing the local humane society's web page, just for something to do. We want a dog, but can't in the apartment we're in, and my fiance isn't a cat-person.

On page 6, a picture caught my heart. She looked sad, confused, lost. I read the little story, and it turned out her owner had died and the family put her in the shelter. Most probably the owner didn't die at home and she had no clue what happened to her old home with a human all to herself.

She didn't understand why she was locked away in a cell by herself, with other cats in other cells, with a shelter-stench clinging to her fur, with limited human contact.

And she was 13 years old - "free on the senior-to-senior program" since November, yet still there all alone.

She looked so small, lost and forlorn, I put her photo as my desk top background.

A week later, my fiance said "talk to the landlord, if he says yes, get her!"

We were told she wouldn't put on any weight "at her age". She has. We felt her vertebrae when she came, now we don't. Her belly was so empty the sides looked like they were almost touching! Not anymore.

The first week, she had a buffet one bowl of fresh water, one of dry food, one of tender morsels, and two with canned food (one pate and one shredded). Best way to find out what her preferences are.

She's on my usual cat-diet 1/3 of a can for breakfast (with some lukewarm water to make gravy), fresh water changed daily, and dry kibble at will. Oh, and 10-12 Temptations at bed time - Joe started that the first day, and now she sits on his side of the bed meowing till he gets into bed, walks all over him up to his chest, to get her treat

So she's 13, big deal! She's not a cuddly cat (yet?) but comes with her tail held high and a "Meow" when we come home from work. She doesn't bother the budgies and couldn't care less about the fish. The birds only get spooked when they go down on the cage floor and she can't see them from where she is. She'll go over to the low table they're on and stand up with her front paws on the edge - which surprises them so they fly up. But that's just concern not hunting

Poor little thing is declawed

We are wondering about getting a kitten to keep her company and maybe get her to play a little - but will she be upset at not being sole cat anymore? Will she sulk a day or two and get over it? Will she be maternal and like having a little friend? No telling, no two cats will react the same way and we know nothing of her history other than paragraph one above.
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