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Old December 4th, 2009, 04:35 PM
kandy kandy is offline
Hazel's Personal Servant
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Wyoming
Posts: 1,742
I would strongly suggest that you rethink your position on no surgery. Ligament tears do not heal on their own, ever. The inflammation can make the lameness appear to improve but it's only an illusion. The original problem is still there.

While you may be able to keep her going for a while with the supplements, the damage occuring in the leg will eventually lead to severe arthritis.

I have a newf that went for almost 18 months with a torn ACL. She was repeatedly misdiagnosed as having panosteitis until I finally took her to an orthopedic specialist. She had a TPLO in 2007.
Livin in a Newfie Drool Zone
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