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Old January 4th, 2007, 03:41 AM
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nikki4 nikki4 is offline
Boxer slobber kitty freak
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: southern ontario
Posts: 21
My Lilly is no longer with me.

On Dec 22 I lost my little baby rattie Lilly. On Aug 5 I had lost her sister Daisy. I feel so heartbroken over this. I had a hard time when Daisy passed away but it was a natural death. Lilly's was by euthanasia. It was the hardest choice I ever had to make. My vet specialized in rats and owned them himself. He said I was making the right choice, she had a brain tumor. I tried so many meds but by this time nothing was working. She was suffering. I am having a really hard time trying to accept that what I did was right. I just can't help but feeling that it should not have been my choice that had ended her life. My vet had thanked me for loving her as much as I did. The entire vet clinic became quiet and each spoke words of condolence to me on my way out. I just received a card from them.
I feel heartbroken over it. I didn't want to give up on her but she was in such bad shape that my husband , son and my vet said I was doing the most loving thing I could do for her. I just can't accept that it was euthanasia and not God that took her. Can anybody relate?
Animals are actually angels from heaven
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