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Old July 17th, 2010, 07:51 PM
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PatX2Mom PatX2Mom is offline
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Location: Napanee, Ontario
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Thanks Love4 for your response and advice.


After Coco was put down, I took both Patches and Casper to the vet. I was paranoid.

After bloodwork to rule other items out, it turns out that Patches has asthma but is, as my vet says in excellent shape for a 13 year old.

Although no blood work was done for Casper, the vet did check him over. His colouring, his breathing and his fluid was good. With a quick look at his eye, the vet indicated that Casper has herpes which can sometimes manifest with sneezing especially if he was under stress due to a loss in his family.

I spoke with my vet regarding Pat as well. Since Pat's routine has not changed. He loves to go out on his leash in the wee hours of the morning (he drags me out of bed at 4 a.m.), eat grass and then occassionally vomit, my vet said a visit was unnecessary.

All of this was about three to four weeks ago. I haven't taken Casper to the vet since. He is still eating (perhaps a little less than usual - he used to share with Coco), and drinking as well as using the litter box. The changes in the past few weeks I believe are behaviourial.

I agree, IMO each cat is unique, irreplacable. My hope in getting a kitten was to give him someone else to love, to take care of, but never replace Coco. (On top of my own grief, crying, I am also grieving for Casper's loss).

I will be getting Cuddles back in a few weeks along with one of her litter mates. But this time, the reason will be because I fell in love with her within the few hours I had her.

So, I plan to continue to give all my babies, especially Cass, all the love and attention needed to get them and me through this time of grief. If Cass' behaviour changes for the worse or experiences weight loss (I am weighing my babies regulary) I will rush him to the vet. I will also speak with my vet when I book Cuddles and ? (I'm thinking Fluffy) for their shots.

Do you think I should take him over sooner?

Sorry for the long winded blurb.

Your advice is appreciated.
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