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Old July 17th, 2010, 01:46 PM
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14+kitties 14+kitties is offline
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Originally Posted by PatX2Mom View Post
Thanks for the welcome 14+ and Frenchy.
My neighbour's cat had the kittens, I hesitated to take Cuddles at 6 weeks old. I have never had a kitten so young (exept the one tossed out in a garbage bag, but that's another story and Tiger, the only survivor of the litter found, lived a long and happy life btw). I can take Cuddles back across the street for another 2-4 weeks (once my neighbour returns). We discussed the possibility of issues arising (I believe she sensed my hesitation).

The next question is, then, is another kitten the answer to Casper's behaviour?
Well, we do encourage people to adopt cats by two.
Casper is grieving for his friend. He has to go through the process. If you have something around that Coco laid on or that she loved try giving it to him. He may feel a little closer to her and start to accept her physical body is no longer with him. Maybe reading through these sites may help.

As for the kitten. It is not too late to start the introduction process over again. If you have a spare room or bedroom where the kitten can be by itself for a while. The other cats know she's there. Let them accept her smell first. Then work through the other steps. Give the site previously mentioned a look through. It really does help you through. If there is another kitten from the same litter and you are willing to take on another one - go for it!! The more the merrier.
Good luck. Let us know how it's going.
Oh, and pics please. We loooovvveeee pics!!!!
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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