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Old January 5th, 2015, 08:33 AM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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As said above you can get a GPS tracking collar. A friend of ours puts one on his coon hounds which run miles and hours loose at night. Our friend does have written permission from all the property owners in his area to allow his dogs to run and him to hunt.

You dog is in danger. You are liable. Farmers have the right to shoot nuisance animals, some find any stray a nuisance. Two of my neighbours' dogs have been shot, one fatally. In the death case the owner professed amazement that the adjoining farmer who shot his dog had not called to let him know his dog was an annoyance, nuisance and threat to his young animals. I happen to know both parties and for his part the farmer simply figured "You know your dog is running loose, you obviously don't care about him or look after him or care about my $ bottom line - BANG, BANG." The farmer was in the legal right.

Your dog could cause a car accident. You could be held liable for damage to the car, people and property. Imagine if someone served to avoid your dog and hit a kid instead. I know I would probably serve as an involuntary reaction to avoid hitting a dog or any animal. This situation also happened to someone I know, just the car damage part thank God, not someone else being hit too.

He raids garbage cans? I threw out some antifreeze containers a while ago. People put out sharp glass, cans with sharp edges and not well cleaned of cat food in their recycling. Your dog is a walking invitation for a visit to the Emergency Vet.

Is your dog neutered?
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