Thread: Water retention
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Old November 6th, 2013, 10:20 PM
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Koteburo Koteburo is offline
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Water retention

Hi guys.

Koteburo saying hello and still very pregnant to the point that now I have an equator
I'm retaining water like crazy and although I do know a number of natural remedies, herbs, dry flowers that help a lot some of them are not available in Calgary.
I know that pineapple blended with water, no sugar added, is good, I've tried it myself in the past so I'm going to start with that but I'll add a bit of baking soda since I'm experiencing SEVERE acid reflux.
What other herbs, fruits, etc available are there that you know of? I guess I could go to the health foods store and get some extracts of the ones I know (just thought of that) But I'm used to preparing infusions, chop, etc the herbs and flowers in their natural form either fresh or dry just like my grandma used to do it straight from her garden or from the wild (or the market)
As I'm typing this my legs and arms are throbbing and it hurts so I'll be happy with any presentation that works.
Any advice? New info and knowledge are always welcome

Yours truly
Fat and sore pregnant cat
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