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Old June 3rd, 2012, 01:14 PM
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hazelrunpack hazelrunpack is offline
The Pack's Head Servant
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There are a lot of things that can result in bloody urine that don't involve cancer. UTIs (which might have been ruled out--did you ask about the length of time for the antibiotic to wash out?), bladder stones, sometimes just idiopathic irritation of the bladder lining, and lowered platelets from tick-borne diseases, among other things. So there are a lot of things to rule out before you even start thinking about a mass--but I know how easy it is to say "don't worry" and how hard it is to actually not worry!

The first urine of the day is generally more concentrated, so usually darker than later in the day. But it should be a dark yellow, not reddish. Sometimes it's hard to tell color, depending on light, unless you bring out something white to catch it in. White plastic lids from, say Cool Whip, work well if you're just looking for color and not for a sample--just slip it under so she pees in it, let it lay in the grass, and then check the color when she's done (and hope she doesn't kick it aside like my girls do when they're done! )

Keep us posted on the rest of the results! And give her a hug from me, pls!
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