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Old June 3rd, 2008, 10:21 PM
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14+kitties 14+kitties is offline
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Geezz Hazel, you sent me on a search now to find the one I have. There are a few different varieties. H. officinalis hyssop is the one I have. It has a slight skunky odor which some people don't like when you press the leaves between your fingers. I don't mind the smell at all. It can also be used in cooking but in very small amounts as it can be overpowering.

The list below is pretty comprehensive for deer resistant plants. Maybe it will help.

Deer-Resistant* Plants
Achillea spp. yarrow - all kinds
Aconitum napellus common monkshood
Actaea rubra red baneberry
Agastache foeniculum giant hyssop
Alchemilla mollis lady's mantle
Alyssum maritimum alyssum
Anaphalis margaritacea
pearly everlasting
Antennaria dioica pussy toes
Antennaria pulcherimma showy pussy toes
Anthemis tinctoria golden marguerite
Antirrhinum majus snap dragons
Armeria maritima sea or common thrift
Artemisia absinthium "Lambrook Silver" wormwood
Artemisia schmidtrana silver mound
Artemisia stelleranna beach wormwood
Aruncus dioicus goatsbeard
Astilbe tacquetii superba astilbe
Calendula officinalis
Caltha palustris marsh marigold
Campunula rotundifolia harebells
Cerastium tomentosum snow-in-summer
Chrysanthemum coccineum pyrethrum
Chrysanthemum superbum shasta daisy
Corydalis lutea yellow corydalis
Dianthus caryophyllaccae deltoides pink family
Echinacea spp. coneflower
Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane
Eryngium planum sea holly
Euphorbia epithymoides cushion spurge
Euphorbia polychroma euphorbia
Fragaria virginiana wild strawberry
Gaillardia grandiflora blanketflower
Galium boreale northern bedstraw
Goniolimon tataricum Tatarian statice
Helichrysum spp. everlastings
Hemerocallis spp. daylily
Iridaceae spp. iris
Lavandula spp. lavender
Limonium sinuata statice
Lobelia tenuior, erinus lobelia
Lychnis coronaria rose campion
Lysimachia nummularia creeping jenny, moneywort
Matteuccia struthiopteris ostrich fern
Monarda didyma
bee balm
Narcissus spp. daffodils
Nasturtium nasturtium
Nepeta mussinii catmint
Oenothera spp. primrose
Paeonia spp. peony
Papaver nudicaule Icelandic poppy
Papaver orientale Oriental poppy
Papaver spp. all annual poppies
Perovskia atriplicifollia Russian sage
Petalostemon candidum white prairie clover
Petalostemon purpureum purple prairie clover
Portulaca grandiflora portulaca
Potentilla tridentate three-toothed cinquefoil
Primula spp. English primrose
Pulmonaria Mrs. Moon, Bethleham sage
Salvia patens salvia
Sedum spp. stonecrop
Senecio cineraria dusty miller
Stachys byzantians lamb's ear
Tagetes signata marigold gem series
Tanacetum vulgare var. crispum Tansy
Thalictium rochebrunianum meadowrue
Thermopsis rhombiflora golden-bean
Thymus serpyllum mother-of-thyme
Veronica spicata speedwell
Veronica virginicia culver's root

Deer-Resistant* Native and Ornamental Grasses
Agrostis scabra
hair grass
Andropogon gerardi big bluestem
Bouteloua gracilis blue grama grass
Festuca glauca blue fescue
Helictotrichon sempervirens blue oat grass
Hierochloe odorata sweet grass
Koeleria cristata
June grass
Molina caerulea variegata moor grass
Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem
Sisyrinchium montanum common blue-eyed grass

Occasionally Nibbled Plants
Astilbe tacquetii superba astilbe
Aquilegia canadensis
common columbine
Caltha palustris marsh marigold
Daffodils daffodils
Dicentra spp. bleeding heart
Echinacea coneflower
Eryngium planum sea holly
Eupatorium purpureum joe Pye weed
Gaillardia grandiflora blanket flower
Liatris spicata gay feather
Linum perenne
perennial flax
Lychnis chalcedonia Maltese cross
Lychnis coronaria oculata rose blush
Monarda didyma bee balm
Osmorrhiza longistylis sweet cicely
Veronica spicata speedwell
Viola spp. violet
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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