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Old November 29th, 2010, 09:31 AM
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kasey&roxie kasey&roxie is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Midland, Ontario
Posts: 36
GGirl, congratulations on your new fur babies!!

Did the rescue say what they dewormed them with? I know with some dewormer they need to do it more than once.

I adopted two kitties last year from our local OSPCA, they were dewormed there too and we found a tapeworm on Kasey the night we brought him home.

Our other kitty, Roxie developed stinky, bloody diarrhea a week after we adopted them and we tried all kinds of different food and nothing mattered. Kasey had mostly normal poop but would have a runny one every once in while and they both had gas as well. We did fecal samples more than once that came back negative for parasites etc. I switched vets and when we did a final fecal they came back positive for clostridium bacteria. We did a round of metranidozole and they cleared up.

We did a full PCR fecal analysis that checks for parasites and bacteria. We also tested for tritrichomonas foetus.

I would do both. Get them checked out at your vet and switch their food. A good quality grain free canned is a great place to start.
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