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Old March 25th, 2011, 10:19 AM
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Criosphynx Criosphynx is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 55
thanks everyone, I'll give Critter your compliments. Shes a fuzzy little beast.

Originally Posted by Goldfields View Post
Love the look of that garden Criosphynx, I'll bet you've got some treasures tucked away that I'd like here. Yes, I catch rainwater, at the moment(because one 1,000 gallon tank needs relining) we have room for around 11,000 gallons, though we only use it for the house and emergencies, like during the drought when the dam was low. The house dam is for the garden and the toilets. It was flood filled this year, which is wonderful seeing the channel system they filled with in the past is not being used. Just being connected to the pipeline means a much bigger water bill, even if we don't use it, but we desperately needed this and they have to recoup the money spent on it.
Sweetie of a dog you have.

wow! Impressive. Makes my 400 gal system look like a joke I'd imagine you have a much bigger property size than I do tho, being that theres more people in my local county than in your entire country...we are crammed in like sardines here
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