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Old March 24th, 2011, 11:34 AM
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Criosphynx Criosphynx is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 55
Originally Posted by millitntanimist View Post
I agree with Stinkycat.
Positive training (to me) is more about avoiding the use of P+ (and to a lesser extent R-) than it is about only using R+ (I have certainly utilized P- in situations where it was warranted, to good and lasting effect).

It is my experience that P+ creates more behavioral problems than it solves - even if this is years down the line. We know that animals can be very effectively trained without positive punishment, and that it has the potential to do physical or psychological damage when it is improperly performed, so why use it?

We only train very large/wild/intelligent animals with R+ and P- (cats, bears, whales, dolphins, apes, birds, elephants, . . . wolves ). I find it highly dubious that dogs are somehow more difficult (and therefore requiring of P+) to train than these.

Ditto this

I also agree with the label of "positive trainer" being used simply because the public would be confused otherwise

And with the dobe, yes you cant ignore self reinforcing behaviors. You need to actively teach an incompatible behavior while preventing as much as possible

Ill try and comment more when im off this stupid tiny keypad
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