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Old February 6th, 2011, 11:39 AM
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chico2 chico2 is offline
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T-Q,oh no,Vinnie and Chico split a 5,5oz can twice daily..and I actually have 3 cat-trees,Vinnie only uses it for his nails.

SCM,sorry I don't know how to do quotes...
I will reduce his food slowly and try to add some egg-white and look into the L-carnitine as in where I can find it...anything to try to get him down to 15-16lb's,he is a large cat,but the last time at the vets,he was 18lb's and I am afraid to find out how much he is now.
The freezedried chicken is a no go,only pieces of cooked chicken will do..

About Chicos fur,there is never any rash or sores and there is always fur growing back,he drinks water from a dripping tap(just started that)and sometimes after that,he'll vomit hair. Thank you

TeriM,Today they both walked around the pool twiceVinnie is not pickuppable(new word)he is too heavy for me.
Traumeel? Maybe worth a try... Thank's

Pattymac,I have a couple of laser-pointers,but only Chico is interested,he climbs the walls to get to it
A new kitten,I would love it,but no
Things are a bit better between C/V,Chico will sniff Vinnies butt and only hiss a little,so maybe one day they'll be buddies,but it's been almost 9 yrs.

Hazel,no they don't,cats usually eat a bit and come back to it.
I just always have to watch that Vinnie does not finish off Chicos,they usually eat in different places.
Thank you everyone
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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