Thread: Designer Breeds
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Old February 19th, 2005, 01:41 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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As far as pure breeds go I do believe you are more likely to know what you are gettng but I just met a couple with a newly nuetered Golden. A handsome boy with all the papers needed. The reason for the nuetering, a heart murmur (three of the six in his litter have the same condition). I also know a couple that is now on their third Newfie in three years due to complications with the legs blowing out. They have spent thousands on the purchase of these dogs, even more on vet bills and continual heartbreak. Still this is the breed that they want. My sisters perfect Shepherd did end up with hip problems as have many Shepherds I have known. I'll take my mutts from the local shelter anyday. I may not know what I am getting but it seems you take those chances anyways.
Once again - "papers" are NOT a guarantee of quality. They are NOT a guarantee that a breeder is reputable. Papers mean ONLY that the dog is purebred. It could be riddled with genetic defects and still have papers. The AKC/CKC does absolutely nothing to curb bad breeding.

If people are breeding dogs with heart defects, HD, or other inheritable bad traits, they are NOT GOOD BREEDERS, no matter if they have a million registration papers.

For anyone wanting to buy a purebred puppy it's up to them to make sure the breeder is doing everything possible to better the breed and to do it right.

"Let the buyer beware". Do your homework!
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