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Old February 18th, 2005, 06:13 PM
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tenderfoot tenderfoot is offline
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Location: Boulder, Colorado
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Accidents can happen at any time with anything. Rawhides create the need for far more surgeries then natural bones.
Extruded kibble can cause bloat and gastric torsion resulting in death - in one meal. Poorly made kibble can cause cronic illness' and early death through poor immune systems and organ failure.
Dangers lurk everywhere - but if you do your research and decide that RAW is best for your dog and your life style then if done correctly there shouldn't be a problem.
If bones scare you then do chicken necks (no bones) or pulverise the bones in a grinder or osterizer.
The pre-made raw diets contain everything you need and there are no large bone fragments to worry about. If you make your own raw diet besure to include bone meal, eggs, organ meat, probiotics and enzymes.
Even if you supplement a quality kibble with raw meats etc. that is better than no fresh meat.
Besure that all things are done in balance and that you don't introduce any new food too suddenly.
Just do your research and do your best - then you will have no regrets.
Love Them & Lead Them,
~Elizabeth & Doug
Dog Training the Way Nature Intended
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