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Old February 18th, 2005, 10:47 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Calgary, AB
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We feed our border collie a pre-packaged BARF diet, and it is THE BEST thing that we could have ever done for her! Before she started on BARF, she was on kibble and there was a point when she didn't eat at all for like 3 days, and had no energy. She couldn't even lift her head! She had terrible diarrhea, and so I rushed her to the vet. They couldn't find anything wrong with her. I decided to try Mountain Dog Food, and the results were amazing! She has since been doing very well on the diet, and she hasn't been sick since. With the pre-packed food, it contains whole ground chicken with the bones in, veggies and some fruit. It's easy to serve too, except the thawing out bit. Plus, it's best to have a deep freeze and buy in bulk.

If raw isn't for you, Innova has come out with a new equally amazing dog food called Innova Evo. That's what our heelers eat. It's raw food in kibble form. There are absolutely no grains in it, and the kibble is actually held together by potatoes! It's all natural and full of protein. It's done wonders for them! Good luck finding out what's best for your pooch!
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