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Old October 11th, 2010, 10:26 AM
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Silverwolf Silverwolf is offline
Maiko's Mommy
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Montreal
Posts: 5
Unhappy Are we doing right by this puppy? (raw diet)

Hey everyone, firstly some background:

Maiko is by now an 11 week old Husky/Golden retriever mix that was about 17lbs at last weigh in at the vet (last wednesday Oct 6). For about 3-4 weeks before we got him he was being started on Dog Chow (from purina I think?) 1/2 a cup in the morning and evening, and we were provided with a pretty big bag of it when he arrived.

Our family has been various degrees of raw/cooked mixed feeders and with our little guy my fiance and I wanted to start more of a prey style all raw diet, liking the results a lot of other people have had for their babies on it, and not really at all liking the "special additives" in most dog kibble . Well, in an attempt to ween him off the kibble and try to make the transition easier on him (he was already starting to have really soft poos on the kibble), we started mixing a little kibble with some raw ground beef, to see how he'd take it. Things seemed to be ok (he ended up scarfing it down and becoming houdini, making it disappear before our very eyes lol) so we started separating it a bit, feeding him kibble in the morning and his raw ground beef in the evening. After a few days, his poos were starting to get a bit weird, soft one time and a bit runny later on... After reading up some and getting advice from a few others with the same problem, everything suggested not feeding him the kibble, to just start him cold turkey and starting with chicken, as that would be the easiest.

Well it's been about a week now and from our calculations (8% of his body weight, or 2% of his adult ideal weight) he gets about 1.5lbs of food a day, 75% meat, 15% bone, and 10% liver/organs. We started on chicken as suggested and his meals are usually comprised like this, with a few variations:

Day 1:
Morning: 1/4 boneless chicken breast
1 full chicken leg (minus thigh) with skin and bone

Evening: 1/2 boneless chicken breast
1 full chicken leg (minus thigh) with skin and bone

Day 2:
Morning: 1/4 boneless chicken breast
1 full chicken leg (minus thigh) with skin and bone

Evening: 1/4 boneless chicken breast
1 full chicken leg (minus thigh) with skin and bone
1/4 beef liver (we couldn't find chicken liver)
1 small sardine, canned but in water, no salt added (what we could get at the time, and one of our friends suggested it for the omega)

The rest of the week is just flipped back and forth between day 1 and 2. It was suggested to us not to feed the beef liver every day because it was rich and he might be getting more than he needs? Same with the sardine? So we feed both every other day, just in small portions for the week.

Each meal comprises the 1.5lbs we calculated that he needs.

The results:

For the first day or 2 he seemed fine with it, chewing everything properly and his bowel movements were normal. Still soft like from the kibble though, so we weren't sure if that was normal or not. After the first 2 days he seemed to have a bit of a tummy upset and vomited one morning first some of his meal, then the butt end of the chicken leg bone. Afterwards he seemed fine and his poos were still soft. That morning that he vomited, we only fed him the boneless chicken breast, afraid of how he'd react to the bone. That evening we fed him his normal meal and he seemed fine the next day.

The day after that, Saturday I believe, he gave us a scare and mostly swallowed whole the chicken leg! He ate the meat but the bone it seemed he got tired of chewing and gulped the whole thing. We watched him and he seemed fine that night, but the next morning he vomited up some of the bone that I'm guessing he couldn't digest properly (plus the butt of the leg again), and only once. So after that my fiance' held onto the bone for him to make sure he chewed it properly and deposited the end of the leg (what usually comes back up anyway) into the trash. That seemed to work until Sunday night when he tugged the butt end of the bone out of my fiance's hand and swallowed it whole. This morning it was vomited back up in 3 pieces. This morning, we fed him his chicken breast and leg, my fiance' holding it again for him and throwing away the end of the leg.

In the meantime this weekend, his poos have been going from soft to runny... with him having a bout of constipation from Saturday night until last night (sunday, we think from the part of bone/whole bone he swallowed) then having a slightly runnier soft poo when he did finally go. This morning he just flat out had runny diarrhea. :\

I also forgot to mention that throughout his runny/soft poo switches he's had some horrific gas throught the end of the week/weekend.

The only reason we've stuck with this meal plan this long is that our friends have suggested he may be going through detox from having kibble the whole time before he came to us. But it's been about half a week - week and things seem to be getting a bit worse. The vomiting is still happening, though it is only once and when he gets the butt end of the bone swallowed, he seems fine after his morning meal, it's just the morning after the previous evening's mean when he gets the bone end by accident. and his poos have been getting runnier, as I've described in the previous paragraph. :\

Other than those two things he seems to be normal otherwise. He always has a lot of energy, though he's been eating grass more often lately. And he seems to be sleeping fine throughout the day and fully at night (as I type this he's actually napping next to me).

Are we doing right by this puppy or is there something that should be changed? I'm starting to get a bit worried that we shouldn't be giving him chicken bones after all and that we're doing some horrible things to his stomach and bowels. I hate seeing his tummy so upset. :\

Any help would be so greatly appreciated

Edit:: I also again forgot to mention... last Wednesday when he was at the vet we had him started on his vaccinations and de-worm/worm prevention. That night he seemed to get a bit of a fever (which the vet said he might get) but got more comfortable when he could sleep by our air conditioner on low. The next day he seemed his normal energetic self. That was a day before the tummy problems started. Could this all be detox? Or bone not digesting well? Or just from his first vaccine?
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