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Old September 3rd, 2010, 12:06 AM
kj1225 kj1225 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 1
HELP! Dog is not peeing like she used to.

Hello everyone, first off I'm a new member and hopefully the community can help us solve this issue with our 7 years old Maltese.

I used to live with my family with a house full of people and my Maltese (Noodles) was trained to pee on a piece of pee pee pad and/or newspaper which is placed inside a stand up shower. She does this consistently. She is also allowed to roam throughout the home unsupervised because she knows how to pee/poo inside the shower.

I recently got married and we moved into our brand new home, since we're used to having Noodles roam around the house we decided to do the same thing and have her pee/poo on a pee pee pad inside a shower which is similar to our old set up. we restrict her to the lower level of our home when unsupervised.

So far she has a success rate of about 15%.

Currently she loves to release herself when unsupervised in the following places.

- on the carpet in front of the TV
- on the carpet in front of the fire place
- on the carpet in general

(We clean the carpet with vinegar mixture and oxy clean it, we also use "pet block" to try and deter her from urinating on the carpeted areas)

I've scolded her when she pee'd in the wrong place (carpet) and praised her when she pee's in the right place. It's not like she doesn't know where we want her to pee. But right now she pees on our carpet way more than the designated area.

After scolding her for peeing in the carpet she got the idea that "Peeing is wrong" instead of "peeing on the carpet is wrong but on the pee pee pad is good!" so she ends up holding it in until we leave the house and then goes about her business on the carpet.

I'm running out of ideas and help is greatly appreciated! Thank You!


Last edited by GateKeeper; September 3rd, 2010 at 12:19 AM.
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