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Old June 9th, 2010, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by aslan View Post
i don't think it will put most peoples attention back onto the mother where it should be. i think if the dogs are put down for most people that will be the end of it. As for the sperm donor getting a job,,please why would he don't you know that the world owes him something thus our tax dollars should support them..Not all but a large majority of todays teens have been handed everything they want, no responsibility no manners, no rules nothing,,why would this be differant,,if he got his welfare,,,guess what,,they'll pay for the funeral.
You are so right I had my first part time job at 14 lied about my age to get a job. I listen to kids and they expect everything and there parents give it to them. These sound like they are coming from a long line of welfare families. Why get a job when I have one and I can support you through my taxes.
A dog has so many friends because they wag their tails not their tongues.
R.I.P. Buddy 2002-2008 The best Mastiff ever.
Now owned by Clark the Crazy American Bulldog
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