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Old May 2nd, 2010, 08:35 AM
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Winston Winston is offline
Mom of 3 precious Angels
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Hamilton Ontario
Posts: 7,300
Winston and diarrea problem

Hey All Winston has had the runs for approximately 2 weeks. I have tried pumpkin, yogurt, rice, less food, no food, etc and have had no success really. We went to the vet with a sample and he ran it through and it came back normal. Winston appeared fine to the vet. He has not been acting any different either. Still eating, drinking etc.

The vet prescribed Loperamide (which is immodium) each time the stool is soft and also Florentero (restores a regular and efficent intestinal bacterial flora) 2 times per day.

Winston has now taken 6 of the Loperamide and there is zero improvement with his stools. I am also giving him some yogurt.

I am wondering if the yogurt will make his stool loose? I am also worried that I have given him 6 pills already and no improvement to the texture of the stool, the last thing I want to do is make him constipated?

He just had a bowel movement and it was not a pleasant! my poor boy. Whats worrying me is that he came in the house with his back end kinda hunched downward as if he needed to poop and his tail is sticking out straight not hanging down. I tried to have a look at his bum but he wont have any part of it. He is laying down now and he appears fine. Maybe the poop hurt his bum and thats why the tail was sticking out???

Tabitha April 10, 1995 - August 23, 2013
Bomber April 10, 1995 - July 12, 2010
Winston Nov 15, 1999 - September 15, 2011
Sophie Aug 30, 2011

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
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